Planning Application Refused?

What should I do when my planning application is refused?

A refusal of your application does not mean all is lost; with every refusal comes a right to appeal and this is where RBA Town Planning can help you. The team at RBA prepare and submit Appeals against Local Councils throughout England. All appeals are lodged with the Planning Inspectorate who, like RBA, works independently to the Local Councils. Only a small percentage of refusals are challenged, but of those the Inspectorate overturns approximately 50% and grants planning permission. Here at RBA Town Planning, we are extremely proud of our high success rate, which is due to a combination of our commitment to gaining positive outcomes for our clients and our understanding of how Appeals should be structured and argued.

How will I know whether to Appeal?

We will provide you with a FREE honest assessment of your proposal, which comes with no obligation to you. We analyse your proposal in detail, review the reasons for refusal and assess if we can make a strong case with which to discredit the Council’s decision.

It’s easy to get your FREE assessment, just complete the enquiry section at the bottom of this page.

When should I appeal?

You should commence appeal proceedings as soon as possible; Planning Legislation dictates there is no flexibility in respect of Appeal deadlines and we have set these out below. Missing these deadlines means your appeal will be turned away as late, losing your right of appeal:

  • Enforcement Appeals – prior to the notice taking effect
  • Advertisements – 28 days from date of decision
  • Householder – 12 weeks from the date of decision
  • Other Appeals – 6 months from date of decision

A high quality appeal submission takes time to prepare so an early instruction is always an advantage for your appeal to have the best chance of success

How does it work?

We offer a comprehensive Appeal Submission package and once instructed we take care of everything. We will prepare an appeal statement to show why the planning application should have been approved, robustly challenging the opinion & decision of the Council. As soon as the Appeal Statement and supporting evidence is ready we lodge the Appeal with the Planning Inspectorate via their secure online portal. When the appeal is validated by the Inspectorate the Council are notified that the decision has been appealed and they have a small window of time in which to justify their decision. After this, a Planning Inspector is appointed to assess your case and visit your property. The Planning Inspectorate will then issue their independent decision within a few weeks of the visit.

The Cost?

All of our Appeal Packages are FIXED FEE with no hidden charges or costs incurred. For your free Assessment and no obligation quotation please contact your nearest office.